Now that I'm wrapping up my time in China, there are a few things I've seen/learned and would like to note so I can mold the memories for later (since this blog is my journal after all):
- When it rains, its an umbrella battlefield - keep your head down, protect your eyes, and whatever you do, don't hit someone in the head with your umbrella. Note for next time: splurge for a sturdier one.
- I've noticed the men here are very sweet with their girlfriends/wives. Always have their arm around them, or kissing their cheek, or just being very sweet. They even introduce them as their "sweetie" not as their girlfriend.
- No personal bubbles in China
- I've said it before and I'll say it again, the MTR is efficient and CLEAN.
- The morning on the MTR is insane. People pack in like sardines, and when you don't think there is anymore room because you're already squished between the people next to you, another three will push their way on thinking they can fit too.
- That being said, the MTR is quiet, cool, and even has a clean smell to it. Very unlike New York which feels like the surface of the sun.
- When walking, just weave in and out. There is no right or wrong side to walk on.
- I have come to the fact that as much as I thought life here would be more intense and faster paced than NY (since that's what my prof said), it in fact is not. Yes, some people are always in a hurry and walking very fast, I seem to be one of them. But the others take their time, are glued to their phones, etc. I will not miss that about China.
- People stop in the middle of the walkway. You are constantly going around people or running into people that have made a dead stop for no reason. As frustrating as it is, trust me, I've had to bit my tongue many a time; just curse silently to yourself and move on. It's the culture.
- The smell. The stinky tofu smell. To quote a wise man who once heard from a wise man, "Take the worst smell you could possibly imagine, and throw that in the oven" - That's Mong Kok. My two-month home.
- Men always hold the umbrella for their "sweetie"
- When dining, it is not customary to wait until everyone has their food before you start to eat. Your meal comes first, dig right in. Slurp, burp, and other bodily functions are also not frowned upon, but in fact, encouraged.
- Filipino women work every day of the week except Sundays. On this day, the all gather together, dress up, eat good food, play games, nap, and gossip all over the city. Most common areas are in public walkways and sideways (see pic from previous post)
- Some Cantonese and Mandarin for you: (spelt phonetically of course)
Mm-koy = thank you (service)
Do-tey = thank you (gift)
I-ya = oh may
Jo-san = good morning
Ya poy = Cheers!
Dong Lang cha = iced lemon tea (delicious!)
Mei koy lang zi = you are so handsome
O oui nah = I love you
Mei gwa = United States
Wa cow = holy shit
Shay shay = thank you
May yo = no
Gam bay = Cheers!
- Always save face, no matter how mad or irritated you are. It's not their culture to lash out in public
- The octopus card is the greatest thing invented - Used for the MTR, and accepted in hundreds of stores as well. Keep in your purse, RFID, and you're on your way! The Chinese will get very annoyed if you don't have it ready to go through the turn style. Always be prepared!
- Hong Kongers love McDonald's more than Americans and it isn't frowned upon to eat it here.
- Locals are nicer to foreigners than they are to other locals
- Hong Kongers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet
- The skyline view never gets old
- One of the best things about Hong Kong, you can take the MTR 30 minutes and have the most amazing hikes you could ever imagine. Ancient temples, deserted beaches, etc. are all yours to discover on a daily basis.
- In a nutshell... I <3 HK! :-)
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